


How accountants can exploit Open Banking and AI to drive efficiency

How accountants can exploit Open Banking and AI to drive efficiency

The last decade has been one of the most transformative periods in modern banking. We’ve seen new challenger banks rising…
How data will help your clients during the coronavirus pandemic

How data will help your clients during the coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has been a strange and testing time for the accounting profession. Firms are facing their own business…
Covid-19: what are the implications for multi-academy trust and school budgeting?

Covid-19: what are the implications for multi-academy trust and school budgeting?

The unprecedented situation facing Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) in responding to Covid-19 took another unexpected turn when the Department for Education…
Covid-19: Preparing for the new ‘normal’

Covid-19: Preparing for the new ‘normal’

Most businesses have focused on their immediate cash requirements over the last few weeks, using short term cash flow forecasts…
Are we beginning to re-open anyway?

Are we beginning to re-open anyway?

The PM says he will soon announce the reopening plan after weeks of compulsory lockdown for the UKs public and…
Helping SMEs navigate the challenges ahead

Helping SMEs navigate the challenges ahead

There is not a single SME or freelancer that I’ve spoken to over the last month that has not felt…
Coronavirus treatment hopes push stock markets up, and ‘Spoons to reopen in June

Coronavirus treatment hopes push stock markets up, and ‘Spoons to reopen in June

Investors are chirpy this morning amid hopes of a new coronavirus treatment that has been described as promising by the…
Riding out uncertain times with financial clarity

Riding out uncertain times with financial clarity

Build a cashflow forecast for the next 12 months With a 12-month cashflow forecast, business owners can make decisions that…
The aviation industry is now in very serious trouble

The aviation industry is now in very serious trouble

In a sign of just how distressed the aviation industry is, British Airways has announced plans to lay off 30%…
Nine million furloughed on a wing and prayer

Nine million furloughed on a wing and prayer

A recent BBC article quoted analysis by the Resolution Foundation, who in turn had used data the British Chambers of…
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